VicGrid's study area
In March 2024, we shared a study area and connection hub area that starts approximately 6 km from the coast near Giffard and travels northwest past Stradbroke West to Willung, across to Flynns Creek and then to the Loy Yang Power Station.
In response to the feedback we received in the early stages of the project, the study area:
- avoids major townships
- includes a lower proportion of agricultural and private land than most other options to minimise impacts on smaller private landholders and farmers
- allows us to explore opportunities for aligning with existing infrastructure.
View our interactive map of the study area.
Gippsland offshore wind transmission technology
The proposed transmission technology is a double circuit 330 kilovolts (kV) or 500 kV overhead transmission line. Further detailed technical analysis is needed to determine whether 330 kV or 500 kV is the best solution.
To learn more about the decision-making process, visit how we are making decisions.
Industry engagement
To inform our technical work, VicGrid is engaging with offshore wind developers to understand their needs and ensure a coordinated approach. We are engaging with the offshore wind developers holding feasibility licences granted by the Commonwealth; those who have progressed to First Peoples consultation, the Australian Energy Market Operator, and the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
Next steps
The study area will be narrowed to a preferred corridor through on-the-ground studies and consultation with landholders, community, First Peoples and technical stakeholders.
VicGrid will make submissions under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (Vic) and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) in the coming months.
Find out more
Page last updated: 20/08/24