We are improving energy safety through the state's energy regulator to protect Victorians.
Following the Independent Review of Victoria's Electricity and Gas Network Safety Framework (Grimes Review), 32 of 42 actions are complete. The final 10 are on track to be complete over the next 3 years.
These reforms will deliver safer energy networks.
A final implementation update has now finalised the reporting process. The Grimes Review's final report and Government Response to it was released in 2018. These 3 documents are available on the Grimes Review.
The Review
Conducted in 2017, the Grimes Review examined the effectiveness of the regulatory obligations, incentives and other arrangements that govern the safety of Victoria’s electricity and gas networks. The Review made 43 recommendations that represented a significant reform agenda.
The recommendations focused on improving the governance and regulatory approach of Victoria’s energy safety regulator, Energy Safe Victoria.
Summary of actions
- Energy Safe Victoria now has tools to increase penalties and improve general safety duties for various entities, coming into effect from 16 May 2024. This addresses 4 of the Grimes Review’s recommendations through the Energy Legislation Amendment (Energy Safety) Act 2023.
- This builds on the 2022 announcement that we would undertake an Energy Safety Review to ensure safety requirements are keeping pace with emerging technologies, to protect worker and community safety. This addresses 7 of the Grimes Review's recommendations.
- A change to the Electricity Safety Act 1998 under the Energy Legislation Amendment (Energy Safety) Act 2023 will allow for an owner or operator of an electrical installation, such as a renewable energy generator, to have certain duties and obligations in line with a major electricity company. This could include solar and wind farms and big batteries.
- The Energy Safety Legislation Amendment (Victorian Energy Safety Commission and Other Matters) Act 2020 reformed the governance structure of Energy Safe Victoria from a single director-led model to a three-person commission, to which all powers previously held by the Director of Energy Safety were transferred.
Page last updated: 24/04/24